The original studio shot and then the finished shot with the extension we delivered. This work was for the TV series, The Bundy Project.
We were given the plate shown in the lower part of the image. After tracking the shot we matched moved a replacement sky, integrating it into the shot and the color graded the rest of the shot to match.
The original Extreme Wide Shot plate had an unworkable amount of judder. We stabilized the plate and then twice more removed the judder from the BG plate in the area but just where the car would travel. Then we amended the camera track to match the stabilized plate. Next we used RGB lighting just on the dust so we could control the lighting in the composite. Now we animated the car to show it was on a bumpy road with the four wheels and body each animated separately and with a degree of exagerration as it would be so small on the screen, put new materials onto the car, and rendered the car and dust using the amended camera track. The visibility and lighting on the dust being adjusted in the composite. The full shot and detail are shown together below.
THE JOB: Given a line of 33 kids at who never change position in the line, shot in multiple positions, from the front to the back of an otherwise empty gymnasium, with no green-screen, we then had to fill the gym. This required that we doubled the number of lines they'd shot, key out the kids allowing us to change the seating position for each line, so there would be no obvious repeats and finally re-composite the new and old rows together to fill the floor. Finally we needed to remove all the basketball hoops and add banners to the rear wall.
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